Carpenter Ant Description and Behavior
Worker carpenter ants are polymorphic. They are large (3.5-13mm) but greatly vary in size. The queens are about 13-17mm long. Their color is black, combinations of red and black, or completely red or brown. The antenna is 12-segmented, without a club. Their thorax lacks spines and the profile is evenly rounded on the upper side. Pedicel is 1-segmented. Gaster with anal opening is round, surrounded by circlet of hairs. The stinger is absent. Worker ants are capable of emitting a strong formic acid odor.
Odorous House Ant Description and Behavior

Odorous house ants are small ants measuring 2.5 millimetres long. They nest outdoors. The ants construct their nest out of mounds of dirt. The worker ants search far for food. They often enter buildings. Once they have found food, they leave a scent trail for other ants. They feed on a variety of organic material.
Pavement ant Description and Behavior

The pavement ant workers are about 2.5–4 mm long and vary in color from dark brown to black, with parallel furrows or lines on the head and thorax. The pedicel, which connects the thorax and abdomen, has two segments. The posterior/dorsal thorax has two spines that project upward to the rear, and they carry a stinger in the last abdominal segment.
The swarmers or reproductive ants are winged, about twice the size of the workers, and also have a furrowed head and thorax. The spines are evident on the females but absent on the males.
Bed Bugs Description and Behavior

The common bed bug is a small wingless insect that feeds on blood. Adults can be up to a quarter of an inch long (about the size of an apple seed), typically dark brown with a flattened body. Bed bugs are nocturnal, coming out at night and staying well hidden during the daylight hours. As they feed, it's abdomen swells and the bug will take on a reddish or deeper brown color. After hatching, the immature bed bug, called a nymph, will go through a series of 5 molts until it reaches its full adult stage. Nymphs range in size from a pinhead to slightly smaller and lighter than the adult. A bed bug life span is typically 10 months to a year and they can live up to 6 months without feeding. Each adult female can lay approximately 200 to 500 eggs during her lifespan, typically 3-8 per day. They are very hardy insects, and very difficult to kill.
Bed bugs are found in all types of locations such as hotels, motels, apartments, beach rentals, park cabins, private homes, homeless shelters, schools, theaters and other public venues. Along with increased travel, the move to insecticides with shorter residual activity and a more targeted approach in insecticide use may have contributed to their resurgence. Bed bugs are excellent 'hitchhikers' and spread very easily by hitching a ride on luggage, linens, clothing or any other item transported from one place to another. Because they are such prolific breeders, a few bugs can easily become an infestation in a relatively short period of time. Although they may initially stay close to their food source, such as a bed, as their numbers increase they can be found throughout the dwelling.
Wasp Description and Behavior
Size: about 3/4 - 11/4 inch in length. Color: Black with white markings on their heads and abdomens. These large wasps are often called bald faced hornets, because of their white markings. Yellow Jackets are also a common type of wasp.
Bald Faced Hornet

Bald Faced Hornets Nest

Mud Dauber

Old Mud Dauber Nest

Paper Wasp

Paper Wasp Nest

Yellow Jacket Description and Behavior

Adult workers are about 10-16mm long depending on the species. The queens are about 25% longer. Their abdomens are usually banded with yellow and black, several species are white and black. Two northern species are also marked with red. The worker abdominal color pattern is usually distinctive for each species but because it does vary, a series of specimens may be required for identification.
Subterranean Termite Description and Behavior

Worker: 1/8-inch in length. Soldier: Body is similar to that of the worker. Supplementary Reproductive: About 1 inch in length. Primary Reproductive: About 1 inch in length.
Subterranean Termite Swarmer

Subterranean Termite Soldier

Subterranean Termite mud tubes

Subterranean Termite Damage

Damp Wood Termite Description and Behavior

King and queen bodies range from 1/2- to 5/8-inch. Nymphs range up to 5/8-inch. Soldiers range up to 3/4-inch in length. Kings and queens are brownish in color. Kings and queens have two pair of wings that are equal in size and shape and extend well beyond the tip of the abdomen.
Damp Wood Termite Swarmer
Damp Wood Termite Soldier

Black Widow Spider Description and Behavior

Body may be up to 3/4-inch in length with the abdomen reaching 3/8-inch in diameter. The color is typically glossy black but may also be dark brown to light brown. Related widow spiders may be brown.
House Spider Description and Behavior

The body ranges up to 3/8-inch in length, with a spherical abdomen. Typically brown or tan with various markings. "House" spiders are those web-building spiders common in the corners and garages of most homes and buildings.
House Spider Description and Behavior

Measures up to 3/4-inch in length and has a leg span measuring more than 1-1/2 inches. Color is usually brownish gray with a number of various markings. It is very difficult to distinguish it from its close relatives, the domestic house spider and the giant house spider (which do not have a dangerous bite).
House Spider Bite
If a person accidentally traps the spider against his or her skin, the spider bites out of defensive reflex. Unfortunately, the hobo spider's bite may result in an ulcerating wound similar to that of the brown recluse spider. Allowing the bite to become infected only increases the potential skin damage. Any person receiving any perceived spider bite should consult a physician for treatment.
Boxelder Bug Description and Behavior

Adult boxelder bugs are 1/2 inch long. They are brown-black in color with three red stripes on the thorax and red veins in the wings. They are some times referred to as beetles but are really "true bugs". The nymphs are smaller and are bright red.
Flea Description and Behavior

Adults are about 1/8 inch long. Their body is laterally flattened and are brownish black to black. They have a reddish back when they are full of blood. They have no wings and hop when they move.
Cluster Fly Description and Behavior

Medium-sized flies from 1/4- inch to 3/8-inch in length. They are black in color. They fold their wings flat over their abdomen when at rest.
House Fly Description and Behavior

Adults are about 1/8-1/4 inches long, with the female being larger than the male. They are dull gray, with the face having 2 velvety stripes, each silver above and gold below. The thorax has 4 narrow black longitudinal stripes on dorsum. Mature lavra about 1/4-3/8 inches long. They are eyeless, legless and taper from the head back. They are a cream color.
Indian Meal Moth Description and Behavior

Often mistaken for clothes moths. Adult wing-span about ¾". Larva feeds on all kinds of grains and grain-based products. Found in stored product goods
Webbing Clothes Moth Description and Behavior

About 3/8-inch long. Color: Cream colored with a tuft of red hair on the top of the head. The larvae are white. Larvae will be found on fabrics among thin sheets of webbing that they spin to shield themselves. They often leave strands of silk on fabrics they infest.
German Cockroach Description and Behavior
 (Length: 1/2" – 5/8") This roach, with two dark brown vertical stripes behind the head, is found throughout the world, thriving wherever man lives, eating the same foods, sharing the same habitats. It is commonly found in restaurants, kitchens and stores where food, moisture and harborage are abundant. German roaches are rarely seen outdoors. Populations build rapidly from egg capsules being produced about every 20-25 days. Each capsule contains 30-35 eggs. The young mature in 4-6 months. German roaches contaminate food, leave stains, create foul odors and carry disease organisms. They hide during the day, closely packed in small cracks and crevices near food and water.
Brown Banded Cockroach
 (Length: 1/2"- 5/8") The Brown Banded Cockroach is easily recognized by alternating light and dark bands across its back. About the same size as the German roach, but not as dependent on moisture, it can be found anywhere in the structure. The Brown Banded roach doesn’t multiply as fast as the German, but is considered harder to control because they tend to be scattered all over the structure. It shows a preference for warmer areas over 80 degrees. Often found high on walls, in picture frames, behind molding, near appliance motors, in light switches, closets and furniture.
American Cockroach
 (Length: 1 1/2" – 2") One of the groups commonly referred to as "Palmetto Bugs", the American Cockroach is the largest of the roaches infesting homes. Hospitals and warehouses are also targets. It has reddish brown wings and is a good flyer. American Cockroaches often invade from sewer systems and heavily mulched areas. Grocery packages are also a favorite transport. The female attaches the egg capsule, containing about 12 eggs, in high areas in garages, closets, utility rooms and fireplaces. The young mature in 12 months. Found nearly anywhere in the house, American Cockroaches contaminate food, carry disease, damage book bindings, fabrics and wallpaper.
Smokybrown Cockroach
 (Length: 1" – 1 1/4") The Smokybrown Cockroach is uniform in color, typically brownish black and very shiny. They are good flyers and are attracted to lights at night. Found in warm, dark, moist areas such as tree holes, ivies, mulch, woodpiles and soffits/eaves of attics with moisture problems, they are very mobile. The Smokybrown Cockroach has the reputation of being the most difficult to control because it is so active and has many habitat preferences. Very thorough methods and persistence are required for effective control
Roach Control | How to Kill & Get Rid of Roaches in House | Roach Exterminator
One of the most common found pests indoors and outdoors, roaches are known to be one of the most repulsive looking insects. Not only are they disgusting look-wise, but they could also carry and transmit bacteria. Moreover, the bacteria transferred can also lead to food poisoning. Not a lot of people are aware, but we can be allergic to them. Roaches are commonly linked to asthma. Roaches can usually be found outside near residences and food establishments. When a cockroach settles in, the breeding will start. Did you know that roaches are capable of reproducing thousands of eggs. Development rate is rather slow compared to other insects taking anywhere from a couple of months to a year. Adult roaches can live up to 4-5 years.
Silverfish Description and Behavior

Small, elongated, triangular insects, usually between 1/2 and 1 inch in length. Color is typically a shiny gray or silver. They have three characteristic long, thin appendages extending from the rear of the abdomen.
Carpet Beetle Description and Behavior

Tiny, round beetles with larvae that grow up to 1/4-inch in length; the adults grow to 1/16-inch. While generally tan in color, they are covered by tiny black, brown, and white scales, and have numerous tufs of stiff hairs on the
Pigeon Description and Behavior

Pigeons generally have gray bodies, although sometimes they may also be white, tan, and blackish. They have a whitish rump and two black bars on the secondary wing feathers, a broad black band on the tail, and red feet. Their heads are dark with a greenish-purplish iridescence. They average about 11 inches and weigh usually around 13 ounces.
Sparrow Description and Behavior

Sparrows nest in bird boxes, tree holes and in almost any nook or cranny of a building . They are aggressive fighters and will evict any nesting bird from a cavity to take over the site
Starling Description and Behavior

Starlings take over nesting cavities and will evict birds larger than themselves. Starlings are messy, quarrelsome, aggressive, and noisy. They gather by the thousands in their winter roosts and in the Spring nest in cavities to produce 2-3 broods.
House Mouse Description and Behavior

Adults are about 5.25-7.5 inches with the tail. The tail can take up 2.75-4 inches, relative to the size of the mouse. The fur is smooth and usually dusty gray above and light gray or cream on the belly. The color will vary considerably from area to area regardless of living habits. The muzzle is pointed, eyes are small, incisors are ungrooved, ears are large with very little hair on them, feet short and broad, and a uniformly dark, scaly, semi-naked tail.
Norway Rat And Roof Rat

Adults are about 7-18 inches in length, the head and body uses up 7-9.5 inches of that length. The any where from a half pound to a pound. Their hair is course, shaggy, brown with scattered black hairs. The underside it grey to yellowish white. The muzzle is blunt, eyes are small, and the ears are small and densely covered with short hairs. The tail is bicolored and scaley.
Moles Description and Behavior
The most popular species of mole in Seattle, and the Eastside of bellevue and is characterized by living in tunnels very deep underground. Moles come to the surface for food, and water, and is why we rarely see raised mole tunnels just under the surface of our lawns, and turf. Moles have dark velvety fur, a pointed snout, 44 teeth, and large front paws for digging. Mole ears are not visible and they have very small eyes.
Mole hills or mounds are typical throughout the Seattle and Eastside to include cities bellevue,Kirkland,Issaquah,Medina,Redmond,Woodinville,Bothel and are characteristic of the Townsend Mole.
Mole Feeding Habits
The Townsend Mole feeds primarily on insect larvae and earthworms. Moles are also known to eat other pest’s in the lawn, and damage roots of plants.
Mole Treatment
Because of the Townsend Mole's deep underground habitat, they are more difficult to eliminate. After years of pest control experience with trial and error we have come up with effective ways to get rid of moles.
Guaranteed Pest Control Service Company has a successful history of eliminating moles from lawns, municipal parks, sports fields, and more. Please call Ampm exterminators technician about our experience getting rid of moles.